The Malta Classic Grand Prix: A Celebration of Vintage Motorsport

The Malta Classic Grand Prix is an annual event which marks the history of motorsport on Malta, featuring classic cars and motorcycles from various eras racing along the historic roads of Valletta and Mdina. Here, we take an in-depth look at its background as well as technical details of each race.

Since 2007, the Malta Classic Grand Prix has grown into one of Europe’s premier vintage motorsport events, being organized by Valletta Grand Prix Foundation as part of their non-profit initiative to preserve and promote Maltese culture through motorsport.

The Malta Classic Grand Prix takes place over four days and includes various activities like static displays, tours, and races. At its center lies its flagship Grand Prix event featuring cars and motorcycles dating from prewar era up until 1970s eras.

Technical Details:
The Malta Classic Grand Prix takes place over a 2.2-kilometer circuit that winds its way through Valletta and Mdina’s narrow streets, featuring numerous tight turns, steep inclines, narrow sections that test drivers of vintage machines competing.

This Grand Prix event offers several categories to compete, such as Pre-War Cars, Touring Cars and Grand Prix Cars based on age and technical specs of each vehicle – with each grouping having its own set of rules and regulations to abide by.

These races take the form of time-trial events, where cars or motorcycles race against each other to set the fastest times possible. An added level of difficulty comes from not touching or passing one another during their respective races; adding an additional element to each competition.

Malta Classic Grand Prix includes not only Grand Prix races but also an exciting Hill Climb event held off-course outside Valletta. Here, vintage cars and motorcycles race up an intense steep hill; with fastest times determined as winners.

The Malta Classic Grand Prix is an incredible celebration of motorsport history on Malta. Attracting vintage car and motorcycle enthusiasts from across the world, its technical challenges provide for an engaging spectacle and it should not be missed! A must-see event for anyone interested in vintage motorsport or Malta’s rich heritage!

What Cars Will Participate in the Malta Classic Grand Prix?

The Malta Classic Grand Prix showcases classic cars from various eras and categories of car: pre-war cars, touring cars, Grand Prix cars and sports cars are just a few categories involved in this annual event. Which vehicles exactly participate depends upon age, make and technical specs.

Pre-war cars include classic Alfa Romeos, Bugattis and Bentleys from manufacturers like Alfa Romeo. Touring car models such as Jaguar E-Types, Porsche 911s and Ford Mustangs might appear. Grand Prix vehicles such as Lotus 25, Cooper T53s and Brabham BT11s may appear. In terms of sports cars there’s Ferrari 250 GTs, Porsche 356s and Aston Martin DB5s among others that may appear.

The exact lineup of cars at each Malta Classic Grand Prix event varies, as vintage car enthusiasts from across the globe bring their prized possessions to compete in races. You can be certain, though, that fans of vintage motorsport will always find an impressive array of classic vehicles and motorcycles at these annual races.

Are there any famous drivers participating in the Malta Classic Grand Prix?

The Malta Classic Grand Prix is an exciting annual event that attracts vintage car and motorcycle enthusiasts from around the globe. While no professional race car drivers usually participate, amateur enthusiasts who share an enthusiasm for classic vehicles often do.

But some notable figures have taken part in past Maltese Classic Grand Prix events, like David Coulthard – former Formula One driver and current television commentator who drove an E-Type Jaguar during 2018. In 2018, this event also hosted British racing driver Andy Green who made an appearance as part of an exhibit featuring British racecars from this category (Touring Cars category).

Attracted by its allure of classic car restoration and racing history, other prominent figures from automotive and racing fields including former Formula One team owner Eddie Jordan and noted classic car restorer Paul Russell are present for each edition of Malta Classic Grand Prix.

Though not featuring professional racing drivers, the Malta Classic Grand Prix remains an event with great reputation, featuring some of the world’s most beautiful and historic automobiles. A must-attend for fans of vintage motorsport or classic cars alike!



